Appel : Moyen Âge et culture pop

Appel pour le 1er octobre :

« Researching, Teaching and Learning the Middle Ages through Popular Culture : Medievalism and all that » 

Colloque organisé à Florence les 17-18 janvier 2019 par l’université Elon & l’université Grenoble Alpes

“At least since the beginning of the Nineteenth century, the “dream of the Middle Ages” (Umberto Eco) has captivated Western culture in many ways. Throughout the Nineteenth and Twentieth centuries, literary medievalism has known a growing popularity, and new media and forms of entertainment have been progressively involved in various forms of recollection – whether celebrating or deprecating, or simply reinterpreting – of the Middle Ages. For example: the popular novel and genre narrative; radio and television; but also political discourse and different forms of nationalist discourse.

These various appropriations have brought about a complex array of medieval revivals that are often influenced by technological developments and interactive media. Thus, nowadays we find de facto teaching, learning, and representation of the Middle Ages in: videogames; Facebook groups; “Twitter literature”; television series; advertisements; fan fiction spin-offs and crossovers; metal music; board games and so on.”

L’appel liste quelques questions :

“What place and role do these new medieval mass cultural products have in the medieval canon?

“How can these productions help scholars, teachers, and students to understand and contextualize the Middle Ages in our modern world?

“How can they be leveraged to popularize, teach, and learn about the medieval period?

“Is this contemporary kind of medievalism (sometimes referred to as “neomedievalism”) different from historical revivals in other periods?”


Langues de travail : anglais et italien


Suite de l’appel sur le site ou directement ici :

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Anne Besson (8 juillet 2018). Appel : Moyen Âge et culture pop. Modernités médiévales. Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse