Appel à communications : The Middle Ages in the Modern World (MAMO 2025)

Reporté en 2020 suite à l’épidémie de Covid, le colloque international The Middle Ages in the Modern World sera de retour à Londres du 24 au 26 juin 2025, et s’associe à cette occasion au London Chaucer Conference 2025, sur le thème de la réception.

Date limite d’envoi des propositions : 13 janvier 2025.

The Middle Ages in the Modern World is a revived conference about the ways in which the Middle Ages have been received, imagined, invoked, relived, used, abused, and refashioned in the modern and contemporary worlds.

Proposals are invited for papers, panels, linked panels, readings and events for the 5th MAMO conference. Creative and scholarly work from any discipline on any aspect of medievalism is welcome, but we are particularly interested in addressing:

  • Inclusivity and exclusivity; the struggle to claim the medieval; medievalist activism
  • Relationships between the medievalisms of scholarship, creative work, heritage and cultural industries
  • Performance and re-enactment of the medieval
  • Continuities: living and working with medieval buildings and institutions
  • Local, national and global medievalisms; medievalisms of London
  • The history and current state of medievalism studies
  • Chaucer reception in all forms from the manuscripts to the present day

Please send any proposals or queries to themamoconference [at] by 13 January 2025. If you are submitting proposals for single or linked panels, please consider diversity when selecting participants. The conference will take place in King’s College London Strand Campus.

Détails sur le site du colloque.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Justine Breton (23 octobre 2024). Appel à communications : The Middle Ages in the Modern World (MAMO 2025). Modernités médiévales. Consulté le 14 janvier 2025 à l’adresse