Colloque : Tolkien und seine Herausgeber:innen (Deutschen Tolkien Gesellschaft)

La Deutsche Tolkien Gesellschaft, en collaboration avec l’Institute for Catholic Theology-RWTH Aachen et Walking Tree Publishers, organise une rencontre du 11 au 13 octobre 2024 sur le sujet “Tolkien und seine Herausgerber:innen (Tolkien and His Editors)” L’événement aura lieu à Aix-la-chapelle et sur Zoom.

Programme préliminaire

Vendredi 11 octobre 2024
14.00 Registration
14.30 Opening
14.45 Christian Trenk: Hierarchies of Authenticity? Concerning Canon, Copyright,
and a Tolkienian Cinematic Universe in the 21st Century
15.30 Allan Turner: The Editors and the Critics
16.15 Break
16.45 Thomas Fornet-Ponse: Editing Philosophy and Theology
17.30 Lukasz Neubauer: The Lost Lectures and Other Writings: Editing and Publishing Tolkien’s Academic Work
Dinner at Elisenbrunnen Restaurant (pre-booking required; please let Thomas Fornet-Ponse know: hither-shore [at]

Samedi 12 octobre 2024
9.30 Thomas Honegger: Fathers and Sons, or: Looking for CJRT in JRRT’s Fiction
10.15 Ryan Syler: Coming Into His Own: Christopher Tolkien, Unfinished Tales, and the Transformation of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Legendarium
11.00 Break
11.15 Giovanni Costabile: Christopher Tolkien and the Introduction to Pearl
12.00 Lunch Break
14.15 The Legacy of Christopher Reuel Tolkien (A talk with Prof. Dr. Vincent Ferré,
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle)
16.15 Denis Bridoux: A Colourful Edition: Christopher Tolkien’s edition of his father’s artwork
17.00 Jacob Langenhahn: Editing the Unpublished – Some Thoughts on The New
17.45 Presentation of new Publications & Honorary PhD
Conference Dinner – Elisenbrunnen Restaurant (pre-booking required; please let Thomas Fornet-Ponse know:

Dimanche 13 octobre 2024
9.30 Antoine Paris: “Notes within quotations mark are found in the sources. Others are editorial.” Ambiguities of the author/editor of The Lord of the Rings
10.15 Jonathan Nauman: Editorial Peril: Tolkien’s Depictions of Academic Practice
and Solecism
11.00 Sebastian Krinner: Tolkien was not a ‘genius”. A Critical appraisal of a great
author and his publishers
11.45 Break
12.15 Final Discussion

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Justine Breton (10 septembre 2024). Colloque : Tolkien und seine Herausgeber:innen (Deutschen Tolkien Gesellschaft). Modernités médiévales. Consulté le 9 février 2025 à l’adresse