Parution : On Cartography, Maps & Locations in Middle-earth

J.-R. TURLIN et D. WILLIS (dir.), On Cartography, Maps & Locations in Middle-earth, Le Dragon de Brume, 2024.

Cette collection d’articles français ici traduits en anglais (reprenant des publications antérieures du Dragon de Brume) explore la cartographie de la Terre du Milieu et les secrets des cartes de J.R.R. Tolkien.

Founded in 2010, Le Dragon de Brume is a non-profit association of authors and contributors whose main aim is to offer essays on the wonderful world of Middle-earth imagined by J. R. R. Tolkien, and on the fantasy genre.

In this collection of translated articles, the authors delve into Middle-earth cartography, to explore Tolkien’s maps and unveil their secrets.

What is the story behind the iconic map of the Shire? Where was Númenor located, and what clues can an ancient Anglo-Saxon map provide? What about sunken Beleriand, the Mansions of the Dwarves, or the Seas of Rhûn and Helcar? And if Middle-earth is a fictionalized Europe, what would it look like on a real-world map?

These are just some of the questions explored in this volume, which will appeal to Tolkien fans, cartographers, and anyone interested in the art of world-building.

[Translations from French of essays and articles from earlier volumes published by Le Dragon de Brume, in revised and augmented or updated editions, with supplementary material]

Turlin, J.-R. — “On the cartography of the Shire” pp. 774
[Transl. of “Une cartographie pour la Comté” in Tolkien, le façonnement d’un monde, vol. 2, Le Dragon de Brume, 2014, pp. 231–270; revised and augmented]

Willis, D. — “On Númenor and the Cottoniana pp. 7593
[Transl. of “Númenor et la Cottoniana — Enquête sur une île en forme d’étoile à cinq branches” in Tolkien, le façonnement d’un monde, vol. 2, Le Dragon de Brume, 2014, pp. 141–154 (augm. reissue from earlier version in L’Arc et le Heaume, issue no. 3, Tolkiendil, 2012)]

Willis, D. —  [appendix] “On Tolkien and the Cotton library” pp. 9599
[Transl. of the appendix to the preceding article in L’Arc et le Heaume, issue no. 3, Tolkiendil, 2012]

Willis, D. — “On assembling maps from Beleriand to Rhûn” pp. 100139
[Transl. of “Du Beleriand aux confins de Rhûn — Collages et reconstructions cartographiques” in Tolkien, le façonnement d’un monde, vol. 2, Le Dragon de Brume, 2014, pp. 197230; revised with updated footnotes]

Lefèvre, A.* — “On imagination and visualization” pp. 140144
[Transl. of “Imagination & visualisation” in Fées, navigateurs & autres miscellanées en Terre du Milieu, Le Dragon de Brume, 2017, pp. 65–68]

Willis, D. — “On the geolocation of Middle-earth” pp. 145156
[Previously unpublished note, though the accompanying map from 2015 was used on some websites, incl. Tolkien Gateway]

On the authors & contributors” p. 157

“Supplementary material” pp. 158162 (illus.)

Cover image: Irwin Piot


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