Le colloque “The Middle Ages in the 20th and 21st Centuries : Relevance, Reimagination, Inspiration” se déroulera à l’Université de Stavanger (Norvège) les 22-23 août 2024.
Date limite d’envoi des propositions : 31 janvier 2024.
While there has always been an interest in the Middle Ages since the period ended, recent decades have seen a significant increase in the depiction of medieval motifs, e.g. in novels, films, TV series or videogames. Above many others, the works of J. R. R. Tolkien have played a vital part in the growing popularity of the medieval-inspired fantasy genre. The influence of the Middle Ages on the modern world is the central aspect of the field known as “Medievalism”, and its importance as an academic discipline is demonstrated in many publications, e.g. in the book series Studies in Medievalism (31 vols., 1979–) and Medievalism (26 vols., 2010–), and specialist conferences, e.g. International Conference on Medievalism (1986–) and The Middle Ages in the Modern World (2013–).
This two-day symposium is connected to MARRI, a two-year project hosted at the University of Stavanger/Norway, funded by the initiative Forsking – Utdanning – Innovasjon (“Research – Education – Innovation”) for 2023/24. It is devoted to the field of medievalism and intends to approach it comprehensively from an interdisciplinary perspective. The focus is on the 20th and 21st centuries in order to stress its importance today and in the more recent past. We are looking for a wide range of papers on all topics with a medieval connection, such as linguistic, literary, historical, cultural, philosophical or religious, to be examined in any of the three areas that constitute the RRI-part of the MARRI acronym. Each day could accommmodate up to nine papers.
Relevance covers the general importance and role of the Middle Ages in the modern world and underlines why this period should not be dismissed as insignificant, considering, e.g., modern linguistic irregularities that can be explained by way of earlier forms. Reimagination pertains to how medieval settings can be adapted, e.g. by putting a newly developed character into a historical event as depicted within a novel. Inspiration refers to how medieval elements can be transformed into something new, e.g. within fantasy films featuring dragons or other creatures found, for example, in a medieval bestiary. Any additional aspects of medievalism may also be addressed.
We are happy to announce that Prof. Carolyne Larrington, Professor of Medieval European Literature at St John’s College, Oxford, has kindly agreed to give a keynote lecture at the symposium. A social programme is being planned for Sat 24 August 2024.
How to apply
Prospective speakers from all career stages are invited to send short abstracts (ca. 250 words) dealing with any aspect of medievalism in the 20th or 21st centuries to Prof. Oliver M. Traxel at Stavanger by 31 January 2024 (e-mail: oliver.traxel [at] uis.no). Notification of acceptance will be sent out soon afterwards. We are also planning the publication of a conference volume.
Retrouvez tous les renseignements sur le site de l’université.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Justine Breton (19 octobre 2023). Appel à communications : The Middle Ages in the 20th and 21st Centuries. Modernités médiévales. Consulté le 14 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/rkps