Colloque : “Getting medieval”

« Jouer à la flamme bien moyenâgeuse : médiévisme dans la culture populaire contemporaine » / « Getting medieval : medievalism in popular culture »

25-26 novembre 2016, Université d’Albi


Vendredi 25 novembre 2016 – Bâtiment Multimédia / Auditorium 2

  • 8h30 Accueil des Participants/Welcome
    Ouverture de la Journée d’Etudes/Conference Opening

9h15-10h45 The Roots in a Nutshell : Origins and Impetus for Interest in Adapting Medieval Themes to Modern Works

Modératrice : Cynthia Boyer, INU Champollion.

  • 9h15 “Le ‘tuf profond jusqu’où plongent nos racines biologiques et mentales’ : Les raisons du succès de la fiction moyenâgeuse pour la jeunesse (XX-XXI)” – Régine Atzenhoffer (Université de Strasbourg, France).
  • 9h45 “The Interweaving of Archetypal Elements Inspired by Medieval Literature and Culture, in the Harry Potter series” – Eglantine Pillet (University of St. Andrews, Scotland/ Université Paris IV-Sorbonne, France).
  • 10h15 “La tour et l’aventure: matière arthurienne, romanesque et décor médiéval en Stephen King, Roberto Recchioni et Hermann” – Andrea Tondi (Università degli Studi di Siena [University of Siena], Italy).

10h45-11h00: Pause Café/Coffee Break

11h00-12h30 Worlds without Ends: Recasting the Recounts for Modern Adaptation

Modérateur : John Ford, INU Champollion

  • 11h00 “The World Within and the World Without: The Exceptional and the Familiar in Cadfael” – Francis Mickus (Université Paris IV-Sorbonne, France).
  • 11h30 “Fact or Fiction: Recasting Medieval Animal Trials for a Modern Audience” – Lesley MacGregor (University of Oxford, England).
  • 12h00 “‘Internet Crusaders’: Political Medievalism, Conservatism, and the Social Media – Ricardo Facchini (Independent Scholar olim Archivio Centrale dello Stato [State Archives of Rome], Italy

12h30-14h00: Pause Déjeuner/Lunch Break – Restaurant Universitaire, INU-Champollion

14h00-15h30 Voicing the Unspeakable: ‘Pure Anglo-Saxon’ Attitudes from the 19th to 21st Century

Modératrice: Nathalie Rivère de Carles, Université de Toulouse II-Jean-Jaurès.

  • 14h00 “Nineteenth-century Anglo-Saxonism in the American South and Modern Rhetoric of Race” – Edward Christie (Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA).
  • 14h30 “Anglo-Saxon and ‘Pure English’ in the Nineteenth and Twenty-first Centuries” – Chris Jones (University of St. Andrews, Scotland).
  • 15h00 “Beowulf for some New Audiences: The Unspeakable versus the Unsayable” – Nicholas Perkins (University of Oxford, England).

15h30-16h00: Pause Café/Coffee Break

16h00-17h30 Up Against the Wall: Specific Cases of Detailed Adaptations

Modératrice: Lesley Lawton, Université de Toulouse II Jean-Jaurès.

  • 16h00 “‘Take it or make it mine’: Lavinia Greenlaw’s Response to Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde” – Dominika Ruszkziewicz (Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie [Jesuit University “Ignatianum” in Krakow], Poland).
  • 16h30 “Fantasies of Otherness, (Per)Versions of the Wall” – Claire Vial (Université de Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle, France).
  • 17h00 “G.R.R.Martin’s A Game of Thrones as a Quasi-Historical Novel Inspired by the West European Middle Ages” – Andrzej Wicher (Uniwersytet Łódzki [University of Łódź], Poland).

19h00-21h00: Dîner/Dinner (Restaurant : La Part des Anges)

Samedi 26 novembre 2016 – Bâtiment Multimédia / Auditorium 2

  • 8h30 Accueil des Participants/Welcome
    Ouverture de la Journée d’Etudes/Conference Opening

    9h00-10h30 Pious Pagans, Heavenly Heathens and Constant Christians: Recreating the Godless and God-Fearin

    Modérateur : Emeline Jouve, INU Champollion.

  • 9h00 “‘Imagine All the People…’: Fictional Reconstructions of an Early 6th-Century Golden Age, with or without God” – Suzanne Bray (Université Catholique de Lille, France).
  • 9h30 “Medieval Passion, Modern Lens: Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ and Dornford-May’s Son of Man” – Garrett Epp (University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada).

10h00-10h30: Pause Café/Coffee Break

10h30-11h00 Making Moves in Movies and Television with the Sound of Music and Politics

Modératrice : Séverine Abiker, INU Champollion.

  • 10h30 “Pop-Political: Middle Ages in the Eastern European Cinemas (1938-2008)” – Adelina Angusheva-Tihanov (University of Manchester, England).
  • 11h00: “L’épisode de ‘La Quinte juste’ de Kaamelott, entre réalité historique et mystification musicologique” – Anne-Zoé Rillon-Marne (Université Catholique l’Ouest [Angers] / Université Paris IV-Sorbonne, France).

11h30-13h30: Conclusion suivie Pause Déjeuner/Lunch Break with Concluding Remarks

13h30-15h00: Visite guidée de la Cité Episcopale d’Albi: Cathédrale et Palais de la Berbie /Guided Tour of the Episcopal City of Albi: the Cathedral St Cécile and the Bishops’ Palace.

Citer ce billet
Anne Besson (2016, 27 novembre). Colloque : “Getting medieval” Modernités médiévales. Consulté le 18 avril 2024, à l’adresse